Home and dry: condensation solution for Edwardian property
Condensation occurs when warm moist air meets a cold surface. The risk of condensation depends upon how moist the air is, and how cold the surfaces in the rooms are. Both of these depend to some extent on how the building is used.
Besides condensation on visible surfaces, damage can occur to materials that are out of sight, for example under suspended timber floors and in roofs.
A condensation solution involves three important elements:
- Prevent very moist air spreading to other rooms from kitchens and bathrooms or from where clothes have been left to dry.
- Some ventilation to all rooms so moist air is able to escape.
- Use heating wisely.
The house suffered constantly from black mould and damp running down the walls, particularly in the winter.
We carried out a detailed survey, identified the problem as one of condensation and provided recommendations on how to improve the situation.
How we improved things
The control of condensation can only be achieved by obtaining the delicate balance between –moisture reduction, ventilation, heating and insulation. We advised the fibreglass insulation in the roof space be topped up to current building regulations, helping with heat retention and saving on energy costs.
We also specified changes to the type and operation of the bathroom fan to give improved ventilation.
A Drimaster Eco Heat positive input ventilation unit was installed to gently supply tempered, filtered fresher air into a home using otherwise unused heat within a roof, providing a net energy gain to the home. Additionally a significant proportion of external pollutants are prevented from entering the home because of the filter.
Warm, Dry and Healthy
The landlord of the property has asked us to help with further properties and the householder has reported a warmer, drier, more comfortable home.
To find out how we can help you with a condensation solution or loft insulation in Cambridge and beyond, visit our website www.app-ltd.com or telephone 01223 244515.